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was sitting on the top of a stump and  the remainder were standing about or scratching among the leaves and picking up food with motions very much like those of barnyard fowls.

Merula migratoria  Hundreds were seen and heard singing in a cañada on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban.

Aphilocoma  Common among the lower pines. Tarasco indian name àlqüéei 

Corvus sinuatus = alqüaq.

Rhynchopsilta platyrtryneba. A flock was heard calling high up in the Canadian zone.

Jan. 31. Remained at Patamban
Spent the day on the Cerro de Patamban.

Sorex Probably two species were taken. One being larger and darker colored than the other. Both were caught under rotten logs in the cañada on the north slope at about 10000 feet altitude.

Pipilo (Chamaeospiza) Has same whistling note as ordinary Pipilos of the maculatus group. Specimens from here show that color pattern varies a great deal. In some specimens it is similar to that of ordinary Pipilos, Canadian zone.

Thryomanus Near town of Patamban.

Parus meridionalis } Canadian zone.
Cardelliva }
Ergaticus ruber }

Feb. 1. Remained at Patamban.

Euptilolis neoxenus. Saw five or six birds in a tree covered with small round fruits, in the Cañada on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban. The birds scattered as I approached on horseback and alighted in neighboring trees where they were easily overtaken and five were shot. One flew off some distance and hearing a bird uttering cries, fall among the branches of a tree it returned and alighted not far away. They usually alight among the upper branches of the trees. Usually on leaving their perches, loud, rattling notes are uttered. While sitting on perches, a loud peculiar whistle is uttered.

Sorex  A specimen was taken in a trap reset where one was caught yesterday.

Cornus. A Dogwood growing one to two feet in diameter is very common in the Canadian zone on the north slope of the Cerro de Patamban.

Feb. 2-4. Remained at Patamban.