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6574 "Espinosilla" woody herb about two feet in height, need to make a tea said to cure malaria. grows on the slope close to the town, 
Buteo Borealis }
Glaucidium gnoma } Canadian zone.
Troglodytes brunnucapillus }

Feb. 5 Los Reyes, Michoacan, 
We moved today from Patamban to Los Reyes, a distance of about 12 leagues in a southerly course. 
Road skirted the north-west base of the Cerro de Patamban for a number of miles and then descended gradually to Tinguindin. From Tinguindin we continued to descend through pine and oak woods of rather confusing species which appear to end only a short distance above Los Reyes. There was little to indicate zone boundaries. Los Reyes is tropical and at Tinguindin, bananas, coffee, aguacates, and other tropical fruits are raised. 
Sialia Along base of Cerro de Patamban.
Volcanic cones. A member of volcanic, cone shaped hills with broken out crater, could be seen in the valleys below us.
Guasima }
Caciripe } Slope near Tinguindin. 
Guayata }

Ficus } near Los Reyes.
Erythriva }
Feb. 6. Remained at Los Reyes.
The morning was spent in preparing for work at this place. In the afternoon I went out on the road by which we came, to some low cliffs along the edge of the valley and set traps for rats and other animals.
Basilutiras Only one was seen.
Feb. 7. Remained at Los Reyes.
Peronyseus A very [[?]] species. Several were taken.
Rithrodontomep Several taken.
Leomys Two specimens of the pietus group, the first we have taken this season. 
Milanotis carubseus