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Near Periban. }
Toxostoma curvirostris 
Pipilo fuscus 
Quiscalus macrourus 

Canadian zone on Mt. Tancitaro }
Basilinna leucotis
Ergaticus ruber 
Troglodytes aztecus 

Mainly Transition zone on Mt. Tancitaro }
Sm. cone Pine 
Large cone Pine 
Droop-leaved Pine 

Feb. 22. 
Remained at Periban.
Visited traps set yesterday on north slope of Mt. Tancitaro, and returned to Periban in the afternoon.

Zygogeomys Two traps were set day before yesterday on the north slope near some fields, near the base of the main mountain mass of Tancitaro. I expected to catch specimens of the Platygeomys taken at Pataraban, as the elevation and general conditions appear to be the same, and the two mountains are connected by a high, pine covered area. Today I was surprised to find a Zyzogeomys in one of my traps. 

Nelsonia. A pair of adults were taken in Microtus runways, under logs on a north slope in the lower edge of the Fir forest on the north slope of Mt. Tancitaro.

Microtus Not uncommon on damp north slopes in the forest near the lower edge of the Firs. They make well-marked runways under logs and among the weeds and bushes.

Neotoma A few were found living about rocks along a small canyon in the lower edge of the firs. They make fairly well-marked runways along the bases of rocks and through the vegetation on steep slopes.

Blarina A single specimen was taken in a Microtus runway.

Sorex Three taken in Microtus runways.

Trogon mexicanus

Melanotis caerulescens

Sphryapicus varius

Colaptes cafer

Setophaga miniata

Feb. 23. Cerro de Tancitaro.
We left Periban soon after 8 A.M. and before 

Transcription Notes:
Too many uncertain sections. I think it is important to have someone who reads Latin to take a look at this one, because the scientific names, especially in cursive are tricky