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Apr. 17-22. Remained at Papayo. 
At Papayo we stopped six days to work. 

Cayaco. This palm is excessively abundant at Papayo where it grows as forests in which the palms are the principal vegetation. 

Near Papayo are large lagoons in which water-fowl of many kinds is abundant.

Felis hernandizii. A fine specimen just killed was brought in to us.

Apr. 23. Coyuca. Guerrero.
Left Papayo and continued 15 miles down the coast to the town of Coyuca.

Apr. 24. Acapulco. Guerrero,
Continued down along the coast for about 32 miles today and arrived at the port of Acapulco in the afternoon.

Apr. 25-27. Remained at Acapulco.
Remained working at Acapulco.

Apr. 28 Remained at Acapulco.
Went out in the morning to work near the soap factory of Stevens y Cia.

[[Sallator grandis?]]
[[Melanerpes elegans?]]
[[Glaueidumin ferroginium?]],

[[Caitharista alrata?]]
Ring-necked Hawk.
[[Conurus petzii?]]
[[Icteria verius?]]
[[Myuziletis s. sufireiliosus?]]
[[Columbeg alleva passerua?]],
[[Aimophla ae?]]
Columba flavirostris,
[Laehe nilda?]
[[Cassieulus melanietirus?]],
Diplopterus  Probably not this gen. (Morococcyx?)
[[Trogon citreolus?]]
Arid Tropical Acapulco tree.
Ant. Lion. Watched one for a few moments this morning. A small black ant was observed walking along the inner margin of a pit when the lion began throwing up dirt at the bottom which caused the ant to tumble