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at once to the bottom. It tried to escape again and again by walking up the side, but each time the Lion caused the steep slope to cave with the ant. Soon the Lion seized the ant in its claws and threshed it about in the bottom. The body of the Lion was all the time concealed from view. Repeatedly the ant managed to get out of the Lions clutches and attempted to escape but was caught each time and threshed about. Finally I happened to jar the ground and the Lion disappeared in the sand leaving the body of the ant in the bottom of the pit. I saw there that the ant was at last dead. I awaited further developments for a few moments and as the Lion did not reappear I picked out a handful of sand and found him in it. He was about a third of an inch in length.

Prickly-leaved Sonora tree.

Cayaco, at Manzanillo, San Blas and Acapulco the Cayaco Palm is very abundant, Trees are said to require from 20-40 years to come into bearing. The nuts according to William Stevens, furnish about 70% oil by chemical extraction and 65% by hydraulic pressure. The nuts are oblong in shape. Most of them are gathered by women, when they fall in the forests.

Cocoyul. A palm with round nut collected here. It is said to be widely dis-tributed and also produces oil but the nut is small, very hard and is little used.

Apr. 29. Remained at Acapulco. Went out hunting again beyond the soap factory of Stevens y Cia.

[[underlined]] Granatellus [[/underlined]]  Secured a pair among the scrubby vegetation a short distance from the soap factory.

[[underlined]] Thryothorus maculipictus? [[/underlined]]  A single specimen was heard singing and was shot, in a thicket about three miles from the port.

Apr. 30.  Remained at Acapulco. Mr. N. and I went out early in the morning to a small island near the mouth of the harbor to get sea birds and noticed the following:
[[underlined]] Pelecanus [[u/nderlined]]
Wandering Tattler.
[[Tarus Hurmani?]]
Spotted Sandpiper.