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Columbigalliva passerina

Amphispiza humeralis. Often two birds possibly mates be seen sitting close together on the same branch and singing the loud jerky song in unison. The song is accompanied by a jerky motion of the wings.

Vireo flavoviridis. Abundant and in full song.

Attila  Several were heard singing near the road today.

Northocersus   One was seen moving rapidly through the undergrowth [[strikethrough]] along [[/strikethrough]] about 10 yards from the trail.

Hawk. (white collar like spec. coll. at Acapulco). This afternoon one was seen to fly low over the ground and directly into a mass of Fishhook vines.
Cacahuananche very abundant everywhere in the coast country. At Coquilla I found a man with three leaves stuck to his forehead and temples and he assured me they were good for headache.

West coast tree.
Ginte [[Giant]] Ceiba.
Heliocarpus (Fish-poisin)
Big Malva (five-lobed seeds)
Fish Hook Vine
Tree similar to Coccolobus.
Prickly leaved Sonora tree.
Opuntia (long slender-leaved)
Opuntia (long three-ridged)
Cereus "tepamo"
May 8, Near Copala, Guerrero. Made a trip today about 10 miles in a south-easterly course to a place called Las Salinas on the coast where I found several of the round houses and a black population. Large quantities of salt are being made at Las Salinas. I secured the photos and started back at 4:15 P.M. and spent the night near Copola.

Sturnella Two or three were heard singing on the grassy plains between Copola and Las Salinas.

Transcription Notes:
The "Giant Ceiba" of El Ceibal, Mexico - I believe the writer was talking about the "Giant Ceiba" when he wrote " Ginte Ceiba" There is nothing that comes up when you put in GINTE. I tried "leriba", "lesiba", and "criba"for the second word, then tried "ceiba" and that is a kind of tree.