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Pithicolobium dulce} Coquilla to Dos Caminos,
Pinus.  I was surprised to find that the species ranging the lowest near Dos Caminos is the sp. with small-rounded cone first noted near Tinguindin Mich. and not P. jorullensis as I supposed it would be. 
Flatthorn.  Many of the trees have flowers, fruit and leaves but lack any of the large thorns. The largest thorns appear to be produced on this which have no flowers or fruit. Sometimes parts of branches are covered with fairly large thorns and no fruit or flowers and the parts having fruits and flowers have no large thorns. Similar conditions have been noted in the case of the Pochote and Guazuma.
Dos Caminos is a small town. 
Goitre.  Several of the women of Dos Caminos have it. 

Dos Caminos to El Rincon.
} Heleodytes 
} Merula flavirostris    
} Teptotela
} Quiscalus macrourus 
} Callothrus
} Scardefella inca

El Rincon to Acahuizotla.
} Pyrocephalus r. mexicanus. 
} Melanerpes foruvacivorous. 

Dos Caminos to Rincon.
} Wild Pineapple
} Pinus (sm. round cone)
} Acacia farnesiana 
} Quereus.  Oaks of several species begin near the same point as the pine and range to the tops of the ridges, mainly following the stream.  They are all narrow leaved species and the broad-leaved oak so common on the ridge between Uruapan and La Salada, Mich. was not seen.

Veg.  The pinus appear to range here far down into the tropics.  Many of the tropical species over lap and range up to the top of the ridge at the point crossed where it is probably 1500 ft. higher than Rincon.

Sp. which overlap with pines near Rincon and on ridge between Rincon and Acahuizolta.
} Nanche
} Tejoruco
} Junquile
} West Coast tree
} Copal
} Acacia farnesiana
} Guazuma guazuma
} Rosa Morada

Transcription Notes:
Goiter is misspelled as goitre, I left it as it is written PLEASE RESEARCH NAMES BEFORE SUBMITTING. For instance, "Pinus" (Pine tree) not "Prius". Check names of cities and towns. Sometimes writer has written them incorrectly, but still check. "El Rincon" - is in the state of Durango. There is no "El Rencin".