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Aulacorhamphus  Has several queer hoarse notes.

Aphelocoma unicolor. Common in flocks in Upper Tropical forest near Omilleme. They are very noisy birds and appear to quarrel a good deal among themselves.
Reithrodontomys  sm sp. } Both are common in
Peromyscus  l sp. } the Upper Tropical forest.
Sigmodon  2 sp.
Sorex  2 sp
Felis  (ocelot)

Aguacate  Two wild species seen in Upper Tropical forest near Omilteme. One with globular, greenish fruit about 1 3/4 inches through and the other with pear-shaped, black fruit about 1 1/2 inches long and 3/4 of an inch through. 

Tree fern.  Many of the fronds are fully six feet in length.

Skink.  (Reticulated belly) The specimen was found apparently sound asleep on the leaves in a little opening in a thicket in a their part of the Upper Tropical forest at about 8000 ft. altitude. 

Prunus  (wild-cherry) Grows near Omilteme.

May, 25. Chilpancingo, Guerrero. returned from Omilteme to Chilpancingo.

May, 26. Tixtla, Guerrero.
In the afternoon I went from  to Chilpancingo to Tixtla to look for Otocoris and Sturnella. The distance is about 3 hours. The road leads up and across a high ridge covered with the thorny leaved fern palm which grows everywhere about the valley of Chilpancingo.
Stopped in Tixtla at the meson of Luis Suarez. During the evening he assured me there were no fleas or bed bugs but soon after retiring I began to feel that something was wrong and on alighting a match found six or eight bed bugs and as many fleas between the sheets. Fortunately I had some flea powder and after thoroughly sprinkling the sheets soon fell asleep. 

May, 27  Chilpancingo, Guerrero
The morning was spent in exploring the vicinity of Tuxlta in the afternoon

Transcription Notes:
Chilpancingo, state of Guerrero a meson - an inn Don't know if he went to both Tixtla and Tuxtla, both in Guerrero. He has changed the spelling on two of them, it looks like, from Tuxtla to Tixtla.