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Ipomea [[Ipomoea]] tree
Acacia farnesiana
Pithecolobium dulce
"Soyat."  Palm with smooth leaves which grows in the mountains.
Pinzan guarichi
Cereus (tepamo)
Cereus (old man)
Piñuela  wild pineapple at the Tixtla.

May. 29. Xalitla. Guerrero.
Travelled about 33 miles from [[strikethrough]]Metztitlan[[/strikethrough]] Mezquititlan [[Metzquititlan]] to Xalitla

Icterus pustulatus
Amphispiza humeralis
Cyanospyza leclanchiri
Momotus mexicanus.
Aimophila acumivata
Vireo flavoviridis.
Buteo borealis
Columbegallina passerina
Cathartes aura
Hummer (sm. smoky)
Polioptila (blk. cap)

Road led down a long open cañada to the Balsas river at Mezcala where we arrived at 11:30 A.M. and remained to rest until about three P.M. when we crossed the river in one of the large boats made for the purpose of ferrying passengers across. From the river the road led up gradually to Xalitla, a cluster of ranches where we stopped for the night. 
The road is a rough wagon road all the way. All the country traversed today is excessively arid and at this season looked very parched and dry. 

Boats. Those used for ferrying passengers across the river at Mezcala are rather substantial affairs about 10 feet broad and 25 or 30 long. Loaded arrivals enter by the stern which is cut off squarely and closed by raising a gate. The boat turns strongly upward. 

Balsas river. At Mezcala it is about 75 yds. wide and has a swift current.

Geococcyx affinis

Transcription Notes:
Acacia farnesania is likely a misspelling of "Acacia farnesiana."