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a collection of 20-30 native shacks gathered close along the bank at the mouth of the Cocula a small tributary which enters the Rio Balsas at this point. There is a great contrast between the turbid current of the Rio Balsas and the crystal clearness of the Cocula. The Balsas at this point passes between bluffs 100-200 feet in height but there are practically no cliffs. A substantial iron bridge has been built across the river but the railroad ends at the river. Partial grading has been done for about half a mile beyond.
Volatina splendrus
Crotophaga sulcirostris
Scardafella inca.
Melanerpes elegans
Merula flavirostris.
Vireo flavoviridis
Myiarchus (small)
Aimophila acuminata
Aegialitis vocifera
Ceryle cabanisi
Pyrosephalus r. mex.
Icterus pustulatus.
Phalacracorax [[Phalacrocorax]]
Myizeletes s. super.
Orthogeomys  Diggings are not uncommon along the steeper slopes where the soil is loose. Two evidently made last night were seen this morning. 
Cereus (tepamo)
Guazuma guazuma
Acapulco tree. 
Acacia (flatthorn)
Vitis? (very large sp.) Common. It is now ripening fruit, although entirely leafless. The fruit is of a dark-red color when ripe and grows in very large clusters. The vines grow 30-35 feet in length and appear more like half reclining shrubs than like grape vines. 

June. 4. Remained at Rio Balsas. 
Momotus mexicanus
Columbigallina passerina
Ardea herodias
Cyanospiza belancheri.
Amphispiza mysticalis.
Asturina plagiata.
Basileuterus belli. 

Transcription Notes:
REOPENED TO FIX! Guazuma guazuma IS CORRECT!!! Please do not change. It is a tree. It does not say Guaguava.There is no "a" after the second "u" until the last letter.