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Leptotila  Between 9 & 10 A.M. three birds in as many different places were seen perched quietly about 6 feet from the ground in shady places

Vitis? (very large sp.) Grows a single, comparatively straight stem and is not twisted and contorted like ordinary grape vines. Often it is two and a half feet between the nodes. It has twining tendrils but grows upward and returns, rather than climbs over the surrounding vegetation. At the beginning of the rainy season it is absolutely leafless, but most of the plants are ripening two or three large clusters of fruit, which are dark red when thoroughly ripe. 

'Ciruela'. 2 sp.
Fish Hook Vine. 
Tree (long-leaved growing along streams)
Pithecolobium [[Pithecellobium]] ("pingan guarichi")
Taxodium (Bald Cypress)
Palo dell Brasil. 
Nicotiana (glaucous leaf)
Argimone (yellow) 

June 5. Puente de Ixtla. Guerrero.
We were obliged to to sit up until 2:30 a.m. at Rio Balsas, to catch the train for Puente de Ixtla where we arrived soon after 10:30 A.M.

Puente de Ixtla}
Agelamis "charrelero"
Volalinia splendens
Icterus pustulatus
Thryothorus gravdis.
Scardafella inca.
Columbeigalliva passerina.
Aimiophila acuminata.
[?] mexicanus.
Pyrocephalus r. mexicanus.
Sporophila torgueola
Merula flavirostris.
Momotus mexicanus

The following information is from Mr. E. Franklin who is employed at mine on Mt. Teotepec.

Itinerary from Rio Balsas to the mining camp of Watson and Ord at Teotepec (10500 ft.) On Mt. Teotepec, said to be 12500 ft. high and where snow falls occasionally. 

Rio Balsas- Acatlan Cross Balsas on boat 15 min.

Acatlan - Chapultepec 15 mi
Chapultepec - Tlacotepec 10 mi.
Tlacotepec - Parota 25 mi.
Parota - Teotepec 25 mi. Last day in