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with fluttering wings, about two feet above the tops of the tree. Possibly they may have been males courting females

Sycalis One was observed to alight in a bush. Another note uttered during slow flight is see-see-see repeated rapidly. The flight is undulating and irregular. On rising they usually fly off out of sight, but occasionally they alight within 200 yards. Sometimes they describe several circles.

Hodomys. An adult female was secured yesterday and a very young one was caught last night along a stone wall on level ground near the base of the hills on the opposite-side of the stream and about a mile above the R.R. station. A few signs were seen which I at first supposed were of Neotoma; worn places led out at the base of the wall and there were small quantities of droppings near the rocks on which the animals evidently perch to evacuate. The only runways were some low ones I supposed at first were made by Sigmodon.

June 9. Tres Marias, Morelos.

Left Puente de Ixtla of 9:28 a.m. and reached Tres Marias at 3 p.m. Mr. N. continued on to the city of Metes and I stopped at Tres Marias three or four days to try to secure topotypes of a Dendrortyx Mr. N. described from here and alas of a Heleodytes he described. 
The road from Puente de Ixtla the R. R. leads steadily upward and crosses a succession of terraces or valleys, each one higher than the last. Puente de Ixtla is on one of these terraces and Cuernavaca is in another. Cuernavaca is situated on a rolling plain near the base of the mountains. Soon after learning Cuernavaca the long steep ascent, leading to the summit of the range begins. On the way up to Tres Marias there are splendid views of Cuernavaca and a very broad expose of the surrounding country. Yautepec can plainly be seen, situated in another valley and separated from the valley at Cuernavaca by a low ridge. The low plains or valley country appear to extend into the state of Puebla. From near Cuernavaca large lava beds extend up the slope at least as far as Tres Marias. 
June 10. Remained at Tres Marias.