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Tres Marias is a small station five kilometers from Huitzilac and is the headquarters for an extensive wood and railroad-tie cutting business.

Veg. In the immediate vicinity of Tres Marias there does not appear to have ever been much of a forest of oaks. The pines have been pretty nearly all cut off. On south and south-westerly slopes near Huitzilac there is a heavy and excessively humid forest of oaks, now being rapidly cut off. This forest occurs just below or near the lower border of the fir forest.

Fairly open country near Tres Marias.
}Pipilo fuscus  
}Zamelodia melondsephala 
}Merula migratoria 

Oak forest near Huitzilac
} Ptiliogonys 
} Pipilo maculatus 
} Troglodytes brunneicollis 
} Oreothlypis 
} Myaestes
} Setophaga miniata 
} Heliodytes 

Vireolamus  One specimen of this species was shot in the top of a tall oak in the forest near Huitzilac
Heleodytes  Local name "matraquita" a flock containing several nearly grown young was found in the oak forest near Huitzilac and 10 birds were secured. The first bird shot fell struggling to the ground and the other birds gathered quickly in trees and bushes near and several darted down to the fallen bird, so that a single shot killed three more of them, others moved excitedly about in the tops of trees near and were easily shot. When found the birds were working busily about in the tree tops and some of the members of the flock were uttering the harsh, railing note which has given the bird its local name. As soon as I began shooting however the birds instantly stopped their note. This harsh note is only uttered at intervals and usually several birds utter it in unison, meanwhile moving about with rapid, jerky motions. The Heleodytes on Mt. Tancitaro and at Motzorongo, Vera Cruz have habits very similar to this one. 

Almost the entire day was spent near Huitzilac.

Transcription Notes:
Scientific name of "matraquita" is regulus calendula, but that's not what's written