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June 22. en route to La Barca. 
In the evening we took the train for La Barca.

June 23. La Barca. Jalisco.
Reached La Barca about 9 a.m. We didede [[decided]] to go to Ocotlan tomorrow and to work out around the marshes near the mouth of the Lerma river from there.

June 24. Ocotlan. Jalisco.
Left La Barca and moved to Ocotlan. Practically no rain has fallen here as yet and as many waterfowl are said to wait until the rains come before breeding, we are too early for many of them.

June 25. Remained [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] near Ocotlan.

In the morning we left Ocotlan for a trip out into Lake Ahapala. Most of the day was spent in working our way across 12 or 15 miles of lake to the mouth of the Lerma river where we landed and camped for the night.

Tule houses. Near the mouth of the river we found a small settlement of fishermen living in houses made of tules bound in a framework of poles. 

Melopelia leucoptera
Cinnamon Teal.

June 25. Remained near Ocotlan. We returned during the afternoon to Ocotlan.

Wood Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Aechinophorus ("pipil")
Melospiza (song sparrow)
White Ibis
Black Mallard.
Fulica 'gallerita'
Ardea herodias
Ardea leucogastra
Nycticorax naevius.

June 27. Remained at Ocotlan. 
Colimus. Most of the day was spent hunting quail along the Santiago river between Ocotlas and the lake. Eight specimens were secured. At this season of the year they are rather common among the mezquites and on the damp grassy areas near the river, wherever there is any cover. Small flocks were seen but   

Transcription Notes:
June 25. Remained near Ocotlan. We returned during the afternoon to Ocotlan should be June 26