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Spermophilus variegatus.
Lepus (jack)

June 28. La Barca. Jalisco. 
We returned today from Ocotlan to La Barca, to do a little more work in the marshes near there.

In the afternoon I went out near La Barca, to look for hawks.
Dryobates scalaris.
Aegialitis vocifera, "tildio" &  "chifirio" 
Harpochynchus curvirostris. 
Pipilo fuscus
Crotophaga sulcirostris. 
Scardafella inca
Polyborus cheriway
Lepus (jack)
Cereus ('pitahaya')
Acacia farmiciana. 
[[?]] - 

June 29. Remained at La Barca. 
Crotophaga 'picus' 

We went out in the morning to the marshes near La Barca, still quite dry from lack of rain. 

Agelaius. We secured a good series of males and females and found the species common. Nests were also found. 

Geothlypis. A form which may possibly be new was common among the tules and a good series was secured. Light rains fell during the afternoon.
June 30. Irapuato. Left La Barca at noon today and arrived here in the evening. 

July,1. en route to Washington. Left Irapuato at 3 a.m. and went to bed at once. When I  got up this morning the train was nearing Aguas Calientes, where we had breakfast. Arrived at Torreon late in the evening.

July 2. en route to Washington. When I got up this morning the train was at Monclova. We had breakfast at