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Sabinas and reached Eagle Pass between 10 and 11 a.m. and continued on to San Antonio arriving about 7:30. At San Antonio I took the train on the International and Great Northern for St, Louis. Mr. N. continued by the Southern Pacific toward New Orleans. Between Spofford and San Antonio the country was much greener and prosperous looking than I have ever seen it. There have been abundant rains.

July 3. En route to Washington. This [[strikethrough]] aft [[/strikethrough]] morning when I got up the train was nearing Palestine in eastern Texas.

Houses. Many of those in the country and small towns are of the old fashioned style with big chimneys at the ends.

Veg. Woods are very green. Much of the country is forested. 

Liriodendron       }
Short-leaved Pine. } All Common.
Large-leaved oak   }

Elder         }
Sumach        } Near Longview.
Small Fan Palm}

July 4.
Reached St. Louis early this morning and 

after a short delay, took the B.V.O S.W. train for Washington.

July 5
Reached Washington soon after noon  

Transcription Notes:
Entire page is transcribed; just a few words that I could not make out. Second reviewer: unsure word --> liriodendron