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Danville Va
10 Mo. 28.1867

Esteemed Friend
Chaplain R.M. Manly
I am sorry the time was so short when we parted that I could not shew thee M.E. Shearman's letter authorizing me to dismiss one of the young ladies, who assisted my wife. I now enclose it from which thou shall see it was occasioned by her own letter, read at a meeting of the Instruction Committee, of which Yardley Warner is the most active member. The other young lady also sent in her resignation which we also accepted. I told my wife that thou had heard of our locking the door when Dr Eggert & his wife were coming in; she was grieved to hear so false a report. We are so often in School and find it necessary to keep the front door always locked, Dr E. & ourselves each having a key. Dr E. with his own key let himself and wife in as we told thee we have no time for visiting but we invited Dr E's wife to go into the school whenever she felt inclined and only last First day, I accompanied her in. But these untruths originate with the same party who