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very thankful for the prospect of getting some reliable compensation for my labours; which for the last month especially in my School, have been very arduous indeed as I go in School every morning at 8 o clock, and except a very short recess for myself I labour without intermission in my school room until between 5 and 6 o clock in the afternoon, and it has fatigued me very much, since the warm weather commenced; but as the children can attend so much more regularly in the summer, I thought I would not give any vacation untill the winter, unless my health should compel me to do so. I have a very good Coloured Sabbath School, in connection with my day School, I have it as Invite you (I think before in my School room, at my own house and all of my day Scholars generally attend it and sometimes a good many others besides, and seem much interested in the exercises of the School; I open with prayer and after hearing them their Catechism the Lord's Prayer and the 10 Commandments and the Creed, and a good many beautiful Hymns, I close with teaching them to sing several Hymns, and making them in conclusion all sing the doxology. If you can send me any Blank School Reports, I shall be very much obliged to you, and still more so if you will enquire and see if you can that I receive my School room rent each month regularly as I am much in need of it, and can not understand why it is not paid me, as it was promised to be punctually every month. With much respect, I am truly yours. Mrs. Dr Brown