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War Department
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands
Office Chief Disbursing Officer
Washington, D.C. July 8th 1867

Brevet Major Geo. Q. White
Richmond, Va.


I have the honor respectfully to return this Estimate. Since I wrote you before, General Howard has received a notice of the Incorporation of this school and the Trustees have been written to in order for them to conform to some requirements of the law, before the money is transferred to them from the R. & F. Funds. It cannot be transferred to you unless the board of Trustees appoint you their Treasurer. They have been directed to authorize some person to receive it.

I am very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(signed) Geo. W. Ballock
Bvt Brig. General & C.D.O

A true Copy
Geo. Q. White
Bvt major Chief Qr. Mr & D.O.