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Glad to inform you that the school is now in favor among all the prominent citizens, who cannot fail to see the great advantages arising from the proper training of the colored portion of the community. They state to me that the pupils are better servants, keep themselves more clearly, more prompt and faithful in the performance of their duties, and are making rapid advances in their studies. In-stead of finding them on the sheets, during leisure hours, they are almost invariably engaged in studying their lessons. Pry a judicious and wise government and control over her scholars, the teacher has won their good will and respect, and has thus been so successful in her work. Nor their conduct out of school they are held responsible, as well as for their departure during school hours. 

But I am very particularly interested at the present time, in procuring for Pulaski County, a suitable Lady teacher, to take charge of the interest at Newbern, the county seat. The School house at that place will be fully fitted up, and ready for the organization of a large school, by the 1st day of September, or the commencement of the School Term, first day of october.