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Bristol East Tenn July 29th 1867

Mr R M Manly
Sup Education Va. 

Dear Sir

Your letter of the 26th of this Instant is to hand & its contents noted. We hav a teacher regularly employed she teaches at fifteen dollars per month & is paid by the Students or their parents

We hav in daily attendance at the present schools from forty to fifty students varying accasionaly from circumstances

We can increase this number to say from sixty to seventy five students

Our school hence is too small & hence we ask for aid

We hav purchased a lot one acre we hav paid fifty dollars the remaining fifty is due in Jan 1868 The fifty we raised ourselves 

Any aid you can give will be thankfully received & I feel sure that the money collected be exspended at any point where it would be likely to do more good

The prospects of our scholl are fine

Very Truly
W H Hill Pacs F School am