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C.10. R.F. & A.L. 9th S.D. Va. 2nd V. 1867

Winchester, Va
Augt 6 1867 

Chandler G.R.
Capt. & A.S.A.C.

States that the freedmen have erected a schoolhouse at Whitehall, Frederick Co, and are able to furnish fuel lights &c, if a teacher can be supplied there - They are very anxious one should open a school there, as soon after Septr 1" as possible.

Recd. Augt 6th 1867.9' S.D. Va

Bureau R.F. & A.L
Head Qrs 9' Sub Dist. Va
August 6' 1867, Winchester Va 

Respectfully forwarded to Rev. R. M. Manley, Supt. of Education State of Va.

John A McDonnell.
Capt. & S.A.C.

E & M 132
2nd V. 1867