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J.191.R.F.&.A.L.Va.3d Vol. 1867.

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
H.Q. A.S.A.C. 5" Div. 6" Sub Dist Va.
Heathsville. Sept 11. 1867.

Busby E.W.
Lieut and Asst Sub A.C.

States the Freedmen of Lottsburg Dist. Northumberland Co. have purchased a piece of land upon which to erect a building for school purposes. Also states enough has been contributed by the Freedmen to finish a building, except about $400.00 Requests information as to what steps are necessary to obtain assistance in this and similar cases.

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. RECD. SEP 18 1867 [[/stamp]]

H.Qr. Sub A.C. 6 Sub Dist Va Sept 17 1867.