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presiding elder came to Staunton he candidly told me that under no circumstances would he permit the use of the church upper room for school purpose, nor even give an assurance of continued possession of the basement (which only cost $150 in addition to the contract) for school purposes if I paid over the $300. Which I of course declared to do. The basement has not been fitted up even yet and when the estimable ladies who had left taught a pay school after the close of regular session which of course was small compared with a free school the room was unfit to accommodate any orderly school. but when school was talked of for the winter and I applied for the room the Justices induced I expect by the writer of the letter in question asked $15 per month and would not fit up for a school room. Feeling that after the Church had recd $1,000 from the N.M.S. Conference, and repeated and from the Bureau and Teachers, I proposed to expend $100 in fitting up the room to be occupied rent free for the season which they refused, and took no steps to fit up at all, the parents of the children, began to complain bitterly, many claiming they had subscribed their money for a school house and not a church Mr Brackett came here and meeting was called which I attended with him and laid the case strongly before them that the