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Philad. Oct- 21. 67
1334 Chestnut St.
R.U. Uanley Egr.
 Sup. Education Va.
Dear Sir, 
Given of the 12th rest was duly deploy I would say that when we compromised the Davis, a colored young man it was nor - as a regular teacher, but to labor as he might- have opportunity in teaching the freedman + holding regular meeting with them for the period  of 4 months. He is a student of the Lincoln university of Pa. than the minority in view. From representation made to us we supposed he could spend four - months in such service, + thereby promote rather than retard [[strikethrough]] him in [[strikethrough]] his studies for the minority. he is not commission any as teacher[[?]] [[?]] on mainly + hence he will not be able to avail ourselves of your influences so kindly