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Mr. Supt of the freedmen school, My Dear Sir, Please to exdcouse me, I can't think of your tile sir,
But you will recollect that i called on you the first of oct, With a recommendation from mr. J.F. Humphries, and you Kindly sent me to git form books, witch i got, Now i send This report & hope you will send me some more blanks As you hade but one when i was at your office, you cane see the Perticulers of the School in the report i 
But i right this letter to let you see its whants, and if you whant any further information relative to this Place & school i refour you to Capton Leut Arges at Warsaw who cane come & git all the information is to be Hade, The people are poor that you know but are hungree fore a little learning the children came far & near but the poor little things some of them cane not cover there nakedness and they will soon be oblige to stope school, Cante you send some old cloths to help keep them at the school, Nex i have been that one month with them and received 6 dollars out of witch my bord is to be taken now What cane you do to help me or to help them to pay me some thing to suport my family x.c. the children & peple are anxous fore me to stay, but of course i cant live on the wind, now if you cane do anything to help these poor cretures now is the time, i hope you will let me here from you soon as you can, as my stay depends much upon what you do in there behalf, of i may say intirely