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King Wm. Court House Va.
November 30, 1867.
Genl. Brown.
Asst. Com. Bureau of R.F. & A.L.


I wish to write on a mailer that is hardly official & so have taken the liberty to write you unofficially. My school House will be ready for use within the next three weeks. The Freedmen have done well. Have at three points raised over a hundred dollars each, beside their labor. At two points they have their teacher. At any city where I first proposed to have Benj. Sr. Jones teach, a teacher must be provided from outside. For the reason that Jones is totally unfit for the work. Reckless and lazy, with him for teaching the school will surely run down. The people can readily pay a teacher $30.00 per month. A (bold) man would be better suited to this place than a woman. If they can't get a teacher for $30.00 they can pay something more.  It is however all that I think they ought to pay.  I wish to ask if you can put me on the track of the desired article.

Transcription Notes:
R.F. & A.L. stands for refugees, freedmen and abandonded lands