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194. 3rd 1867

Bureau R.F. & A Lands
Head Qrs. 9th Sub Dist. Va
Winchester Va Dec. 31st 1867

R.M. Manley 
Supt. Education 
Richmond Va

In reply to your communication of 30th inst; I have the honor to state that the accommodations for school purposes here are as follows. the first floor of a good sized building (designed as a store) suitable for a schoolroom, though rather out of repair, and capable of accommodating 80 pupils comfortably, and 100 if necessary. The first and second stories of a smaller back extension to the main building, each room will seat from 40 to 50. I know of no other suitable rooms to be had in town. These premises are rented by the Bureau, but the years Lease has now expired, and while the proprietors are willing to allow us to continue to occupy it, they will not again Lease it, unless subject to their privilege of selling. It is now for sale, and when sold it is probable the new owners will require possession.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt St
John A McDonnell
Capt. S.A.C.