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Supt Manly has sent me blank reports. I suppose in reply to my note informing him that. Relief for building purposes had been granted us by the Bureau. He does not inform me of any arrangements having been made towards having a day School, but if another teacher for the day School is preferred of course I acquiesce, if not I will take the position. 
J.N. Murdock

M. No. 1 A.S.A. Commr, Burkeville/68

Wellville, Nottoway County
January 1st /68

Hd. Q (RF & AL. 2d Sub Dist Va.) 1868

Murdock J.N.

M. 10. R.F. & A.L. Va. 1st Vol. 1868.

Reports School House completed and to be opened on Sunday 5th Jan.  States that the Sunday and Night school will comprise about fifty students and that the average attendance will be about thirty, that the numbers represented, independent of night school, will aggregate one hundred for whom a day school ought to be established the daily attendance at which would be about sixty. Asks if appropriations can be had to pay a teacher for day school.

[[stamp]] Received Office Supt 2d Sub Dist. JAN 5 1868 [[/stamp]]

Rec Office ASA Comr Burkeville Va Jan. 2d/68

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A.L.
Head Qr's A.S.A. Comm'r 4th Div. 2d S. Dist.,
Burkeveill, Va., Jan. 3d 1868.

Respectfully forwarded (Thro' S.A. Comm'r 2d Sub-Dist.) to B'v't Brig. Gen'l O. Brown, Ass't. Comm'r Bu. R.F and A.L., Dist. of Virginia, whose attention is invited to the within communication and instructions asked as to the proper steps to be taken to secure compensation for teacher to conduct a day school which it is desired to establish at Wellville, Nottoway Co. Va.

R.G. Rutherford
Lieut. 45th U.S. Infantry;
A.S.A. Comm'r.