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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington Jan 7" 1868.

Rev. R.M. Manley,
Supt. Education,

Dear Sir,
Some weeks ago we were furnished by the 
N.Y. Branch F.U. Com. with a list of their teachers in the several 
States, with the request that they might be furnished with 
one School Register. Mr. Alvord thought they had better be sent 
through the State Supts., but have delayed on account of the first 
edition being exhausted. I now transmit the list as received 
from the N.Y. Branch, and will thank you if you will inform 
me if they have all been supplied with the Register. If 
you have not enough on hand, your requisition can be filled 
without delay. If more convenient for you, we will send 
those for Alexandria direct to Col. S.P. Lee, S.A.C.

Very truly yours,
S. Willard Saxton,
Chief Clerk School Dept.