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These people give very freely: but their money has been so misapplied by leaders in the Church they have been "so often nipped" (as a colored man expressed it in alluding to the subject a few days ago), that they need to have a clear exposition of the whole subject, in order to feel confident that their contributions will be appropriated to the express purpose for which they were given.
Can you not make it convenient to be with us at the time specified?

I am expecting to have an exhibition of my school about the same time - perhaps the following evening - and should be very much pleased to have you attend it.

Transcription Notes:
I have omitted the author's dashes indicating a word break (as in con-fident, ex-press), but I'm not sure if those dashes would be included in the transcription. YOU DID IT CORRECTLY - Hyphens not to be transcribed.