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go right off and carry out their own ideas. A Mr Watkins made a conservative speech last Pr. Ed. Comt. He painted in darkest colors the condition of affairs, when colored magistrates should dispense law, colored jurors pass upon white mens controversies, colored officers execute the decrees of colored courts colored courts levy and colored commissioners and sheriffs collect taxes and so on [[injury?]] all the changes. The line of argument had of course the natural effect to discourage the whites while it elated the colored man who have not sense enough to see that such a course will dig the political grave of their race, and is exactly what their worst enemies desire. Bayne is only more outspoken than others. The effort to grasp all is as much apparent in Bland as in him, that is when they (the colored) men are in a majority, advise with me and I will be guided by your advice.

Very truly
Thos P Jackson

[[right margin]] Farmville May 23
Jackson [[/right margin]]