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Of The
"Howard Fraternal Union"

Article I.
This organization shall be styled and known as the Howard Fraternal Union, headquarters at Washington, District of Columbia.

Article II.
The central organization shall be composed of twenty-five persons, to be styled a Board of Directors: at least fifteen of whom shall be residents of the District of Columbia.

Article III.
Sec. 1. The object of the Union is to solicit and collect from the colored citizens of the United States of America, male and female, through the various churches, Sabbath-schools, and all other benevolent, civil, or political organizations (which shall be auxiliary to said central organization,) the sum of thirty thousand dollars($30,000,) to be used for, and applied to, the purchase of suitable grounds and building, at the city of Washington, D. C., which shall be presented to Major Gen. O. O. Howard, for a permanent homestead, a small testimonial of the high appreciation of millions for a man who has ever been true to the cause of humanity.
Sec. 2. In furtherance of the above stated object, no person shall be permitted to a donate a greater sum than "one cent."

Article IV. 
The officers of the Union shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary, all of whom shall be selected from the resident members of the Board of Directors.

Article V.
Sec. 1. The duties of the President, Vice President, and Secretary shall be those that are common to such officers.
Sec. 2. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Union.
Sec. 3. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive funds from the auxiliary associations, and other sources, and deposit the same in the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, reporting the amounts received and on deposit at each regular meeting, or whenever such information mat be called for by the Board.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to manage the affairs of the Union, taking such measures as will speedily collect the sum to be raised, and to make the necessary arrangements for the purchase and presentations of the grounds and buildings.

Article VI.
No money shall be drawn or expended by the Treasurer, except on the order of the Board, signed by the President and Secretary. Nor shall any money be drawn or disbursed for any other purpose than the object stated in Article III, Section 1, of the Constitution.

Article VII.
In all cases of resignation, withdrawal, or otherwise, of its members, the