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Suffolk C.H.  June 22, 1868.

Mr. Samnl. H. Jones
Supt. of Freedmans Schools:- 

Sir, having received information through the Rev. J.N. Randall that Mr. Manly needed two teachers in this neighbourhood, Mr. Francis Grimke and I accepted the situations, and proceeded to procure transportation, which we succeeded in doing a few days before the close of Lincoln University, of which we are both members.  The Rev. S.C. Logan of Pittsburgh  and cor. secretary of Gen'l Assembly Com. on Freedman, procured our transportation and commissions, but after we had made arrangements to come here Mr. Manly wrote to inform us that he had procured teachers in our places, because of the session at the University. 

We however came trusting that some way would open before us, and we now apply to you for locations to teach in.  You would oblige us very much by giving an immediate answer as we are laboring under some pecuniary disadvantages.

If you should wish us to go any distance from here we shall be obliged to call on you for transportation.  We propose to return to Lincoln University at the close of our vacation on the 17th Sept. 

I am most respectfully yours. 
Wm. F. Brooks.