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Office Bureau RF and A 
Boydton Va.  July 7th 1868

Rev R M. Manly
Supt Education
Dist. Va.

Dear Sir,

There is another school started in my Division making five in all.  I will report it this month.  I would like very much to get 100 more Primers & Second Readers, i.e. 50 of each.  The colored people are really to poor to help support their Teachers and pay for their books.  So far they have met the expenses of the teachers board, they are doing nobly considering their circumstances.  The children are also learning finely, many are making almost incredible progress in their studies.  And if I could make arrangements to get six good teachers nine months after the close of this term of these schools, I think there would be at least 400 colored men, women & children in this County that could read, write and cipher well enough to attend properly to their own business.

Very Truly
G W Graham