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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Nov'r. 2, 1867.

Asst. Treasury of the United States.
New York City,

I have to inform you that a check drawn to Maj. W. Vrooman, Asst. P.M. U.S.A. at Louisville, Ky. numbered 686, since 1867 for two hundred and fifty two (252) dollars, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. and endorsed on the back. 
In settlement of the claim of Wesley Broadus late Corpl. Co. "B" 40th U.S.C. Troops, was cashed by the People's Bank of Nashville on the 8th day of August, 1867, the money passing into the hands of a fraudulent party. The real Wesley Broadus is now living at Gallatin, Tenn. and claims possession of the above described check. The records of the peoples Bank show that this check was drawn for Two Hundred and thirty two and 61./100 Dollars. ($232.60) and not for $252.00 as appears from a memorandum in file in this office. As however the check was delivered to me into the hands of the party who it appears forged this name of Wesley Broadus the same on the 8th day of August, the date on which it was cashed, and as the records of the Peoples Bank correspond exactly with the memorandum in the file of this office, as to No and endorsement on the check there can be no question as to its identity.
With a view to giving the rightful owner possession of the check in question, I respectfully


request that it be returned to me. If, however, this cannot be done, please furnish me a certified copy, and endorsements, as the same way assist in detecting the party guilty of forgery in this case.

Very Respectfully
W P Carlin
Bvt. Maj. Genl U.S.A.
Asst. Commr.
Page 289 & 490.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville, Nov'r. 3'd. 1867.

Palmer, Lieut Colonel Fred. S.
Sub - Asst. Commr.
Memphis, Tenn.

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to transmit by today's mail 8 copies of Circular No. 20. C.S. War Department Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Please acknowledge receipt.
I have the honor to be Colonel.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
S. W. Groesbeck
Lt 42'd Infty & A.A.A.G.
Page 491.

Copy of the above letter with inclosures was furnished Capt. Michl Walsh. and Capt. Saml Walker.