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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Aband'd. Lands
State of Tennessee
Asst Commissioners Office
Nashville March 9th 1868

Elliott C. D.
Nashville Tenn.
In reply to the enquires contained in your communication of the 5th inst. I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to say: 1st The Nashville Female Academy was transferred to this Bureau by the Quartermasters Department U.S.A June 24th 1865 from which date it first appears upon the records of this office as Abandoned Property
2d The Academy buildings were used by this Bureau for various public purposes from the date of its transfer as above given, until on or about the 1st of June 1866 and the records do not give the exact dates when possession was informally surrendered to the present occupant. 
3d No formal application was even made for the restoration of the property since Febry 18th 1866 the date of communication of General C B Fisk then Assistant Commissioner of the State, addressed to Messrs W R Ellison and C D Elliott Com &c wherein he pledged himself to restore the academy to the Trustees so soon as they were ready to reopen it for educational purposes.
4th The records of this office furnish no information as to reasons or "representations" that led the Government to withhold for a time rent for the grounds on which the building now used for the office of the assistant Commissioner stands, nor that such reads were even withheld as implied in your letter. The Quartermaster of the Post might be able to furnish you this information. Formal restoration of this property will soon be made, pursuant to orders received at this office directing that all property held as abandoned from which no revenue can be collected, shall be dropped from the records. 
Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
(sgd) S. W. Groesbeck
Lieut 42d Infy & A A A Genl

625 & 626
W.H. Bower
Lt & A.A.A. Genl


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee 
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville Tenn March 9" 1868

Doughty James A
Nashville Tenn
I am directed to enclose herewith transportation orders Nos 24111 - 24112 - and 24113 for Harrison Tate from Nashville to Clinton Anderson O. Tenn. Please acknowledge the receipt of same. If by any reason this transportation is not used, pleased return it to this office.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(sgd) S W Groesbeck
Lieut and A.A.A. Genl

W.H. Bower.
Lieut 45 Infy & A.A.A. Genl

Bureau R.F. and A.L
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, March 10th 1868.

Dean A.L.
Disb'g Officer
Nashville Tenn.

You will purchase without delay the following named articles for use in this office viz: Two (2) reams Letter Paper - headed as per enclosed sample.
One (1) Letter Copying press
One (1) Box paper Fasteners
One (1) Grant Butlers Writing Fluid
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W P Carlin
Bvt. Maj Genl USA
Asst Comm'r

Transcription Notes: