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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 3d 1868

Ogden Prof John
Supt Fisk University
Nashville Tenn.

I am directed by the Asst Commr Bvt. Maj. Genl. W.P. Carlin to inclose herewith Transportation Orders No 24.124 & 24.128. Disbursing Office B R.F. & A L State of Tenn.
Please acknowledge the receipt of the same without delay
I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
W.H. Bower
Lieut & A.A.A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 4" 68

Papendieck R
Act Disb'g Officer
Nashville Tenn.

You will cause the window Shutters and fastenings of this Office to be repaired without delay.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
W. P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl. U.S.A.
Asst Comm'r


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 4" 1868

Whipple Bvt Maj Genl M.D.
A A G. Dept C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement of the Bureau Agent of Columbia in reference to an outrage report the Colored Teachers, of a closed school at Mt Pleasant Maury County. I have conversed with both of the Teachers, named therein - and believe the statement of Mr Eastman to be correct as far as it goes The school at Mt Pleasant is not under the Control of the Bureau, or of any benevolent society - The civil authority in that vicinity cannot be relied on to protect teachers.- The matter is respectfully submitted to Maj Genl. Thomas for his consideration

I am General Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W. P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl
Asst Comm'r

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 4" 1868

Ogden Prof John
Prin. Fisk University
Nashville Tenn.

In compliance with your request. contained in your letter of this date. I am directed by the Asst Commr to transmit herewith enclosed transportation Orders No 24129 - 24,130 & 24,131 - for Wm Cross, from Clanton to Nashville Tenn. Please acknowledge the receipt of same

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W. H. Bower
Lieut & A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes: