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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 18" 1868

Palmer Lieut Col Fred. S.
6th V R.C. Sub. Asst. Comm'r. B R F &c
Memphis Tennessee

I am directed by the Assistance Comm'r to acknowledge the receipt of your letter bearing date April 17 1868. and in reply thereto, to inform you that under existing circumstances you will not be required to visit all schools in your Sub District, but will obtain the information required in the most practicable way, through
the agents and Teachers
I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.H. Bower
2'd Lieut 45th U.S. Infty
AAA Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 18th 1868

Palmer Lieut Col Fred. S.
Sub Asst Comm'r
Memphis Tenn

I am directed by the Assistant Comm'r to acknowledge the receipt of an application of Joshua V Hines (forwarded) through your office, asking that the Bureau aid in paying the rent of rooms occupied as Freedmens School at Lagrange Tenn. to the amount of Ten (10) Dollars per month and in reply would respectfully state that said application is approved to date from April 1st 1868
I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.H. Bower
2'd Lt 45th USI and A A A Genl.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Comm'rs Office
Nashville April 18th 1868

Nelson J.K. Esq Agent &c
Murfreesboro Tenn
(Through Office of Sub Asst Comm'r)

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 16th inst requesting an order concerning the expense of your transportation while investigation certain cases of loyalty and in reply to direct you to return the papers in the Case of Moses Fite without investigating and to say that he has no authority to grant transportation or pay expenses, incurred in investigation these cases. Make up acct. for expenses for investigation case of Pleasant Alexander & forward to this office
Very Respectfuly
Your Obt servt
W.H. Bower.
Lieut 45th U.S.I. & A.A.A.G. 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Comm'rs Office
Nashville April 23'd 1868

Burt Rev D

Dear Sir
Please turn over to Mr Geo. L. white the records of your office. Mr White will conduct the business of the Office temporarily
Very Respectfully
W.P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl
Asst Comm'r

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