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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Ab'd. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville Tenn June 25th 1868

McNeilly Dr. Robert
Surgeon in Chief, State of Tenn
Nashville, Tenn

The Assistant Commissioner, Bvt. Maj. General W. P. Carlin, U.S.A directs that you examine a sick child now under charge of Mrs. C. A. Crosby.
Upon completion of your examination, you will report to this Office, wether, [[whether]] in your opinion, it would be safe to transport her to Memphis, Tenn, with a view to admission into the Carfield Orphan Asylum at that place. 
I am, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
2'nd. Lieut 45th U.S. Infty
Act'g Asst. Adj't Genl. 

W. H. Bower
Lieut. and A.A.A.G.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Ab'd. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville Tenn. June 26th 1868

Thomas Major Genl. Geo. H.
Comdg Dept. of the Cumberland
Louisville, Ky

I have the honor to inclose the report of Bvt. Lieut Col J.W. Gelray on the recent disturbance in Marshal and Rutherford Counties, between the white and colored people. This report is strictly reliable and will show the exact condition of affairs in those Counties. While I cannot expect or ask any military interference I deem it proper to forward this report and to recommend that a company of troops (Cavalry if practicable) be stationed at 


Murfreesboro or Chapel Hill to protect union men and colored people from outrages during the coming summer and autumn. The condition of affairs described by Lieut Col. Gilray is such that protection may be required at any time to prevent massacres.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
W. P. Carlin
Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst. Commr.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Tenn. June 27th 1868

McNeilly Dr. Robert
Surgeon in Chief B R F and A L, State of Tennessee
Nashville, Tenn.

In order that he may be enable to furnish the Special Report called for by the Commissioner, I am directed by the Asst. Commr. Bvt. Maj. Genl. W. P. Carlin, to request, that you at your earliest convenience, furnish him with a copy of your appointment as Surgeon-in-chief in this Bureau, and of your oath of Office; or, in case you have no retained copy of the latter, simply the date when taken
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
W. H. Bower
Lieut 45th U.S. Infty & A A A Gen'l

Transcription Notes:
Completed 6-7-21 J.W. Gelray. .