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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. L.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Aug 26th 1868

Gelray  Bvt. Lieut. Col. J.W. U.S.A.
Inspector, Bureau, R.F. & A.L.

Having recieved your report on the difficulties at Waynesboro, Wayne County, Tenn., which you were ordered to investigate, I cannot refrain from expressing my admiration of the good judgement, patriotism, humanity and skill with which you discharged the duties of your mission and prevented a continuation of strife and blood-shed between our fellow countrymen. 
Your services in this affair, be assured, are more honorable than would be the winning of a battle wherein hundreds of our fellow beings might be killed and wounded. I shall not fail to call the attention of our common superiors to this important service.
I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servt.
W.P. Carlin
Bvt. Major Genl.
Asst. Commt.   

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. L.
 State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville, Aug 29th 1868

Papendick, R 
Disbursing Officer
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

Your attention is respectfully called to the following extract from the instructions left by the General for the guidance of Officers of the Bureau during his absence, viz:   "6th The public arrival and ambulance will will be used discreetly the Disbursing Officer being responsible for them.  No public horse or team will be used later than 9 o'clock at night, unless in charge of a Commissioned officer of the Army, or on public service."  

Last night (Aug 28) the ambulance was absent from the stable during the entire night, returning this morning at 7.30, A.M.  It was in charge of two clerks of the Bureau, and no driver was taken.

You will report in writing to these Head Quarters the reason for the above violation of Par. 6. of the instructions left by Bvt. Major Genl. W.P. Carlin U.S.A. Assistant Commissioner.
By order of 
Bvt. major Genl. W.P. Carlin
Asst. Comm'r
W.H. Bower
Lt. and A.A.A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. L.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Set. 5th 1868

Carpenter, Rev. C.C.
Supt. Lookout Mt. Ed. Institutions
Lookout Mountain, Tenn

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner, Bvt. Maj. Gen. W.P. Carlin, U.S.A. to forward herewith inclosed, personal transportation orders No 117 & 118. [[(G No)?]] for Caroline N. King and John N [Turenline?], as requested in your communication of the 3d instant.
Please acknowledge receipt of same.
I remain, Sir,
Very respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
W.H. Bower
Lieut. & A.A.A.Genl.

Transcription Notes:
two ? in the last entry.