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Papendieck, R. Esq.
Desbg Officer, Bu. R.F. 
Nashville, Tenn.,

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner Bvt. Major Gen'l W.P. Carlin, U.S.A. - to  instruct you to rent School houses, at the following named places in favor of the persons, and for the amounts and from the date named, until further orders from this office- viz:

[[6 columned table]]
|Pulaski Tenn.|in favor of|Miss Fannie Mitchell,|at $35.00 per. mo.|fr. Sept. 1. 68|
|Union City, Tenn.|in favor of|Mrs. Linda W. Slaughter,| at $40.00 per mo|fr Sept. 7. 68|
|Smyrna,|Tenn.|in favor of Mr. W. L. Copeland|at 35.00 per. mo.|fr. Oct.1. 68|
|Lebanon,|Tenn.|Mr. [[Canius?]] B. Jones—|at 35.00 per. mo. |fr. Oct 1. 68|
|Brentwood,|Tenn.|Miss Julia Evans|at 35.00 per. mo.|fr. Sept.13. 68|
|Brentwood,|Tenn.|Miss [[Marth?]] E. Taylor|at 35.00 per. mo.|fr. Oct. 1. 68|
|Edgefield,|Tenn.|Rev. D.I. Robinson,|at 35.00 per. mo.|fr. July 1 68|
|Kingston,|Tenn.|Mr. A.S. [[Wiltse?]],|at 30.00|per. mo. fr. Sept 20 68|
|North Chattanooga|Tenn|Miss Amanda E. Trask|at 30.00 per mo.|
|fr. Oct. 1 68|

Also, that the school house at McMinneville Tenn, be rented in favors of M.E. Hartley, at $30.00 per month for two months commencing August 1st 1868— and the school house at Antioch, Tenn, in favor of Mr John Jones, at $40.00 per month, for two months, commencing Aug. 1st 1868—
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
W.H. Bower
Lieut 45th US Infty
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 
197. Nashville, September 29th, 1868—

Carpenter Rev. C.C.
Supt. Lookout. Mt. Ed. Inst.
I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner, Bvt. Maj. Genl. W.P. Carlin, U.S.A to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 29th inst. in reference to transportation for indigent scholars

from the institute to their homes. In reply thereto, I have the honor to inform you that authority to issue transportation to the above, class of scholars from their homes to the institute, only was givin to the Asst. Commissioner, and upon the return of the same you will be notified immediately of the result. 
Very respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.
W.H. Bower.
Lieut- 45th- U.S.A. Infty-
A.A.A. Genl

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee
198. Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Tenn. Septr. 30th. 1868.

Eastman H. A. Esq
Agent, Bureau R.F. &c
Maury County, Tenn.,
The Assistant Commissioner Bvt. Major Genl.
W.P. Carlin, U.S.A. directs that you forward to this Office immediately upon receipt of this communication, a statement of this condition of the affairs of your office at Columbia, Tenn. at this time of your departure. This statement will embrace the number and names if possible of Claimants for Bounty Pension, &c. who have not yet received their checks. also the number of cheques you had in your possession, at the time you received your leave.
Appearances at the present time indicate that your return to Tennessee will be necessary to a complete and final settlement of the affairs of your office. Should your report however prove satisfactory, this may be obviated.
I am, Sir, 
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt. 
W.H. Bower.
Lieut and A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
Difficulty transcribing the names