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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands,
State of Tennessee -
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, October 10, 1868 -

Papendieck R. Esq.
D.O. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
State of Tennessee -

Referring to endorsement from this Office, on a communication of Mr. Eastmen, late agent of of this Bureau at Columbia, Tenn. dated Septr. 22nd, 1868. I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to inform you that he, (Mr. Eastman) has made a satisfactory report and explanation of his affairs, and will be paid by you up to the date of his resignation, which is Septr. 30th, 1868-
I am, very respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servt.
Jos. W. Gelray
Bvt. Lt. Col. USA
A.A.A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee -
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, October 10th, 1868 -

Tade, Rev. E. O.
Supt. Public Instructions
Hamilton County, Tenn -

I am instructed by General Carlin, Asst. Comm'r. Bureau R.F. & A.L., to state in reply to your letter of October 8th, 1868, that instructions have been received from Washington prohibiting the expenditure of money in the payment of teachers.
Aid will only be given in building school houses on land owned by the colored people themselves.
I have the honor to be, sir Very respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servt. 
Jos. W. Gelray
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville October 12th, 1868. 

Bower Lieut. W.H.

In relieving you temporarily from duty in this Bureau, at the urgent request of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne, U.S.A. for the purpose of taking the position of Asst. Adj't. General of the Military District of Nashville, I desire to express to you my high appreciation of the fidelity, good judgement and skill, with which you have discharged the duties of Asst Adj't. Genl. on my staff.
In bidding you farewell I do so with regret and ardent wishes for your future prosperity and success in your profession. 
W. P. Carlin
B'vt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Comm'r.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville October 12th 1868.

McMullen J. G. Agent Bureau R F and A L.
Clarksville, Tenn

I am directed by the Asst. Comm'r to notify you in accordance with instructions from Washington curtailing the operations of this Bureau your services as Agent will cease on the 31st inst. You are retained in the Bureau "For the purpose of facilitating the payments of bounties now in progress" and will be allowed one Clerk. All Records not pertaining to the payments of bounties will be sent to this Office.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient servant
Jos. W. Gelray
B'vt. Lieut Col USA
A.A.A. Genl. 

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