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Office, has been closed according to instructions, and, send or come with the same to Nashville and report to the Assistant Commissioner.

All important papers, such as Checks, Bounty Receipts unsigned &c will be turned into the Office of the Genl Claim Agent, you giving invoices, and taking receipts for the same.

All other records and papers will be turned into the Office of the Assistant Commissioner.

Payment of the months salary will not be made until these instructions are satisfactorely carried out

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
Jos. W. Gelray
Bvt Lieut Col. U.S.A.
Act'g Asst. Adjt Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville Tenn, Octbr 12th 1868

Simpson, Mr Charles R.
Sub Asst Commr Bureau R F & A L.
State of Tennessee

I am directed by the Assistant Comr to notify you in accordance with instructions from Washington, curtailing the operations of this Bureau, that your services will not be required after the 31st inst. On that date you will neatly arrange the records of your office. Make out your monthly Report to date, stating there in your office, has been closed according to instructions, and, send or come with the same to Nashville

All important papers, such as Checks, Bounty Receipts, unsigned &c, will be turned into the Office of the General Claim Agent, you giving invoices and taking receipts for the same.

All other papers and records will be turned into the Office of the Assistant Commissioner.

Payment of the month's salary, will not be made until these instructions are satisfactorely carried out.


I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
your obedient servant

Bvt Lieut Col. U.S.A.
Act'g Asst Adjt Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abd Lands.
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Tenn Octbr 17th 1868.

Walker, Lieut. Saml
Sub Asst. Commr. B R F &c
Knoxville, Tenn.

I am directed by Bvt Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A. Assistant Commissioner to inform you that your Monthly Report of the operations of the Bureau in your Sub-District for the month of September 1868, has not been received at this Office and to request that you forward the same without delay.

I am, Sir,
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
Jos. W. Gelray
Bvt Lieut Col. USA.
A.A.A. Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Tenn October 17th 1868

Simpson, Chas R. Esqr
Sub Asst. Commr B R F and A L
Pulaski, Tenn

Bvt Lieut Colonel James Thompson, U.S.A. act'g Assistant Commissioner, directs that you forward to

Transcription Notes:
Gelray ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 14:03:39