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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Ab'd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's office
Nashville Tenn, October 24th 1868

Adm, Hon, A.E. Mayor
Dear Sir,
I am required by instructions from the Commissioner of the Bureau to close the Hospital for Refugees & Freedmen in Nashville. There are about thirty cases now in Hospital who are unable to leave it and humanity forbids their discharge till some other provision can be made for them. Will the City Government take charge of them on any terms?
I am authorised today that a reasonable allowance from the funds of the Bureau will be appropriated to defray necessary expenses till the 1st of January next, if the City or County will assume control of these sick and helpless people.
Please favor me with an early reply.
I am, sir, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant
W.P. Carlin
Bvt. Maj. Genl. USA.
Asst. Comm'r.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's office
Nashville Tenn, October 24th 1868
Ogden, Prof John,
Principal Fisk University,
Nashville, Tenn.

I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 23rd inst in reply on referring to instructions from Major General O.O. Howard Commissioner &c that the Board of Trustees of the Fisk University furnish "Estimates, and specification for the building to be constructed and repaired" as for donation of the U.S.Government for that purpose and to state that the same has been referred to Mr.R.Papendieck. D.O.Bureau R.F and A.L, State of Tennessee, with the following endorsement.
"Respectfully referred to Mr. R. Papendieck D.O.B R F &c who if he has sufficient time, before turning over to his successor - will take such steps as are necessary to carry out, the instructions of the Commissioner in this case.
By Order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. W.P. Carlin
Assistant Comt. Tenn.
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.A
and A.A.A.Genl.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's office
Nashville Tenn, October 24th 1868
Hunter, Judge,

I am directed by Brevet Major General W.P. Carlin, U.S.A. Assistant Commissioner &c to acknowledge receipt of statement and affidavit in the case of H.C. Young vs. Chas. L. Barnard, asking that the order from the Bureau relinquishing control of certain property in favor of Chas. L.Barnard, claimant, be revoked &c.&c.
After a careful consideration of the case, he directs me to return the papers (which I enclose herewith) with the information that the property referred o, was taken up by this Bureau as belonging to Barnard, the officers taking it up having no evidence to the contrary at the time.
When it was relinquished by Special Order No.8-, 1865. in accordance with instructions from the War Department at Washington, it was relinquished in favor of the person Barnard, who according to all information in possession of the Bureau at the time, still owned the property. Had it been known at the time of the order of relinquishment was issued that Barnard was not the rightful owner, it would not have been given up in his favor. So far, however, as Order No.80, 1865 from this office. is concerned, it has not, nor was it meant that it should have any legal status in deciding the ownership of the property. It decided nothing more than this Bureau had no further claim to, nor interest in the