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Phil. 8th Aug

R.M.Manly, Supt. Education,
Esteemed friends,
The following list of schools which it is the intention of this Assoc to support in Va. during the coming reason will perhaps furnish the information requested by thee in thy favor of 7th inst.
Peninsula of Va - two schools:
Jacktown - 1 (perhaps 2) teachers
Williamsburg - 2 teachers
South western Va - three schools:
Newbern - 1 teacher
Blacksburg - 1 do
Danville 4 do.
In all five schools employing nine or ten teachers.

Should the state of their funds warrant extended effort the Assoc may contribute to the support of other teachers in Va. but their action will depend upon several contingencies.
Very respectfully,

[[Right Margin]]
The term Mrs. is mis-applied.