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King Williams Court House Va.
August 11 1868.

Dear Sir,
I have just returned from a visit
to Mr. Carter's school at "Coat Tail" Church 
near Ayletts Va. He commenced Wednesday 
the 5th with 40 scholars. Yesterday he had 75 the number is constantly increasing. The location is
central + I have no doubt the attendance will
reach at least 150 at this point & very likely
as many as two hundred in winter. Only about
two thirds of the old church is repaired & by
repairing the remainder which could now
be done at light extra expense if deemed
necessary. at least two hundred + fifty children
could be taught here. I believe the point as 
central as any which can be found in the county. 
I am very much pleased with the way Carter
has organized & is conducting the school  Last
night he started a night school for adults. 
the testaments +c were received. I am very
thankful for them but with I could get
some of the charts of which I wrote you. 
at least two teachers will be needed here