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King Wm Court House Va.
August 22nd 1868.

Rev Mr Manley
Supt Education

Dear Sir,

In answer to your note I have to say that from a 
rough estimate I have made myself it will cost to complete "Coat Tail" ready for winter use besides labor at lease $130.00. The labor I think I can get the Freedmen to pay for amounting to about $50 more. This will put a floor in the building complete the remainder of the repairs & the building will
then be large enough for at least [[crossed-out]] 200 [[/crossed-out]] 200 scholars. Carter now has 116 day scholars The number is constantly increasing besides a night school of 20 or 30. I am responsible for his pay and fear that my lady friend will fail - she succeeded with the books but finds our home people all give through the medium of societies - can you induce some society