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decent house, a young lady an eminent Christian, as I know from acquaintance, has been teaching them to read on Sabbath out of doors for the past two years, having received no aid except books from our Soc, and now is willing to go on with the work of teaching gratuitously if she can have a place to work in.

This young lady is a Virginian but I can only say I wish there were ten thousand with her spirit. Our agt Mr Walford knows her wall & will tell you of the work she is doing.

I do hope that it will be in your power to aid this case, for I am certain that it is at least as worthy a case as can be found.

I should not write you this, but all this money has been raised from my personal friends, and I am about at the end of the list. Will you let me hear from you as soon as may be in regard to it.

The ladys name is "Miss Jenny Nelson Beaver Dam Depot. Hanover Co. Va"

I am Yours most Truly 
H.E. Simmons