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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 10th Sub-District of Virginia.
Alexandria, Va., Sept. 28th 1868

Rev. R.M. Manly.

Dr. Sir,-
Yours of the 22nd inst is received, since you were here the schools have been opened and we have been having the boys attend one school and the girls another, which plan seems to work very well, five schools have been opened with a pretty good attendance, I am expecting four teachers from new York this week and have delayed calling a general meeting of the school trustees until their arrival, when we can have a general discussion and adopt plans for conducting the schools this winter. I have seen several of the Trustees individually and told them I would like to have any suggestions they may wish to submit, but have notified them that no regulations of theirs will go into effect without being first approved by myself. I have employed two colored teachers at a salary of ($25) twenty five dollars per month (boarding themselves)